Messaging leads

Send WhatsApp message to a lead
You will be able to send whatsapp messages as well.  Step 1: Click on the WhatsApp icon from the action menu. Step 2: This redirects you to ...
Tue, 28 Jan, 2020 at 2:49 PM
Send SMS to a lead
If you want to send SMS to your lead, follow below steps Step 1: Click on lead’s mobile number Step 2: A SMS panel will open on the right-hand ...
Tue, 28 Jan, 2020 at 2:50 PM
Send SMS to all leads
You will be able to send SMS to all leads of the list you filtered or created. Step 1: Click on Send SMS to all icon  Step 2: Click on Se...
Tue, 28 Jan, 2020 at 2:52 PM